Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Trapped Music

When I was 11 years old, there was magic on the TV screen. My whole family gathered to watch, young and old, the magic crossed generational boundaries. We all loved to see the spectacle, the wonder, the MAGIC that was Michael Jackson. After watching the Beat It video, I don't think I've ever wanted an article of clothing with so many zippers on it in my life! Michael was different. (not in that way...we're getting to that.) Most other artists, you just "liked" or they were "aight"...Michael was different, you wanted to believe in Michael. You wanted to believe there was a guy so talented and special that he transcended race, wealth, generations and any other gaps that came to bear. In my 11 year-old mind, he was the pinnacle of celebrity and hope. (Don’t’ act like I'm the only one, fellas)

Fast forward 21 years...as we now see that beacon of hope tarnished by his own words and actions. As we watch the sideshow that is Michael Jackson's life and his trial, we are seeing the crumbling of a man that some people say just doesn't "get it"...that he's crazy. Yeah, he's definitely crazy, and I wouldn't have my kids, if I had any, anywhere around his bedroom at Never Land Ranch. Oh yeah, then there are the excuses..."he lost his whole childhood putting money in everyone's pocket"..."He didn’t have the proper chance to grow up." Sounds like a whole bunch of excuses to me. Yeah, maybe as a kid he didn't get a chance to play with friends...he didn't get a chance to go away to camp...but as a grown man, I believe he knew the difference between right and wrong.... and it's wrong as hell to sleep in a bed with kids that aren't your own and afraid of the dark.

I could have lived the rest of my days without a description Michael's alleged penis...I would have been more than happy not to know that said alleged penis was allegedly erect while he allegedly flashed a couple of kids! *shudder* Now before folks, start attacking me for being anti-MiJack, I'm not saying he did it...what I'm saying, in essence, is that he should NOT have put himself in that situation in the first place. And if he did do it...no matter how much money he has he needs to be placed directly underneath the nearest Maximum Security Prison...throw the book and the glove at him! Now that the wonder of the 11 year-old has given way to the cynicism of the 32 year-old, the music doesn't sound the same, so I choose not to listen.

One more thing, we as a people should stop giving a pass to the actions of folks who do some ignant ass stuff just coz they're black. You know who you are..."Yeah, I saw the R-ra Kelley tape...and that's him, but I still gots to buy that Chocolate Factory CD!" Let these morons know that we're not taking their shyt and we won't condone blatantly IGNANT behavior out of them. For instance, these rappers are out of hand, too...why they got to be shooting up Radio stations and calling press conferences to call a truce?? 50 Cent won't get another dime of my money. I mean, just think about it...go to your job, have beef with a co-worker, then take it to the streets and start blasting up in there...the only press conference you'll see is the DA and Chief of Police 'splaining how your ignant ass is gonna be "in the studio" for a long ass time! They keep doing it, coz we keep accepting it and keep giving our hard-earned dollars to them, thereby awarding this insidious behavior. Let's see...50 - Nine shots record deal...The Game - 6 shots...record deal...hmmm if I take 7 bullets, I guess I can join G-Unit, too...my record will be so good...I'll pop a cap in somebody's ass! Watch out for the summer release from DJ PapiCatch22 and MC Such and Such - You Missed all My Vital Organs, BEEYATCH! LOL

I like hip-hop, but when I was hard into it, I don't remember LL Cool J and Kool Moe Dee having a shoot out on Video Soul or Rap City! Hell, I don't think Eric B. and Rakim, or Dougie Fresh and the Get Fresh Crew even owned a gun (Slick Rick...different story)...they sure as hell didn't rap about them. Hey, I don't want to see another person, let alone entertainer, go out like 2Pac or Biggie. I have an idea...next time a rapper or entourage member shoots someone...send the whole posse to Iraq, since they want to use guns so bad and bring some of the troops home. Or we can say enough is enough and I won't buy your music anymore. I wonder if they fire a gun outside a radio station when no one is listening to their music...will it make a sound...or a sale?


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